Number: 11 – Planning Board/7 – Board of Adjustment
Term: 3 Years
Date/Time: 3rd Thursday at 5:30 p.m.
Location: J. Reuben Daniel City Hall & Police Station (1st Floor Conference Room)
Planning Board: 5 members appointed by Roanoke Rapids City Council; 4 ETJ members appointed by Halifax County Board of Commissioners and 2 Alternate members appointed by Roanoke Rapids City Council. The purpose of this Board is to advise the City Council regarding the orderly planning and growth of the City and its extraterritorial jurisdiction.
Board of Adjustment: Members that are appointed also serve on the Planning Board – 4 members appointed by Roanoke Rapids City Council; 1 ETJ member appointed by Halifax County Board of Commissioners; 1 Alternate member appointed by City Council and 1 Alternate member appointed by the County Commissioners. The purpose of this Board is to hear variance requests and appeals, and to make ordinance interpretations.